AMJ Capital is excited to roll out our multifamily Opportunity Zone equity platform.

Let us bring our expertise, experience, and surety of close to your next development.

Investment Criteria

Sponsors must have proven experience in the target investment asset type & market

Development must ideally be between 100-500 units

Geographies: NYC Metro, Philly Metro, Charlotte, Raleigh, Charleston, Indianapolis, Nashville, Austin, Florida, Denver, and Salt Lake City

Sponsor must invest 10-20% of equity

AMJ Capital will invest between $2.0-10.0M in equity

AMJ Capital will invest a minimum of 50% and up to a maximum of 80% of equity

10-year hold for QOZ purposes

In excess of 15% IRR and 2.8x multiple

For any inquiries, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in contact shortly. Thank you.