Environmental, Social and Governance 

We believe in being an agent of positive change in our communities. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria is one way we review each opportunity to measure the positive social impact.

By integrating ESG criteria into our investment and portfolio management practices we enhance our ability to create value for our investors while identifying and mitigating material investment risks. 

AMJ Capital’s ESG policy includes three major pillars.

Within each pillar are specific goals and metrics we track on an ongoing basis. Our policy is summarized below and for a full copy of our ESG policy, please email info@amjcapital.com

We believe that by focusing on sustainability, we will create a more energy efficient, and ultimately, a more valuable portfolio of assets.


We’re committed to building sustainable communities that are inclusive and integrate the built environment into the existing neighborhoods and provide attractive housing options to existing residents. More than places to live, work, and play, AMJ Capital sees real estate as the manifestation of our collective desire for connection and collaboration. Placemaking is at the heart of what we do, with our goal to always leave things better than how we found them.


Above all, AMJ Capital is charged with being responsible stewards of our investors’ capital. To that end, we identify and mitigate material risks at both the property and fund level, and we support and advance good governance policies as part of our investment process. This entails rules, norms, processes and practices that incorporate our ethical values into our administrative and investment decisions, and combines accountability with discretionary action to ensure transparency with our investors.